Wardrobe Construction Planning

March 15, 2016

With a lot of ideas collected it was time to get down to the nitty gritty - out with the tape measure,
paper and pen.

Once the basic concept was decided upon we drew it out and then started measuring. The final idea was for 6 shelves for shoes, three large long shelves that would go across the back wall at the top with the rail just below, then on the left hand side three shelves just over half the width and on the right hand side one shelf.

Phew! It looks a bit of a muddle but I know what I'm doing .... honestly.

Concerned about the weight that might be put on the biggest shelves, which would measure 149cms long by 53cms wide, I decided brackets would be a good idea to give extra support. L says she is going to have a minimalist wardrobe and there will be space, blah blah, but I have seen all the stuff that is going in there ... she still has to read Marie Kondo's book!

I drew up a shopping list with each of the pieces of wood required, screws, nails, brackets, paint, etc.

B&Q sell large sheets of MDF and I set about calculating how it would be best to cut the MDF in the most economical way, working out the left over parts would make two drawers for under my bed.

Top tip, write on each of the pieces as they get cut which bit they are in the construction - coming home with over 20 pieces of MDF saved a lot of time and I am so glad we did this.

Right, out with the drill...

A x

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