The Sunday Summary #1 - Smudged It

The Sunday Summary #1

January 10, 2016

The first full week of January is over (that went fast) and we're back off the sofa DIYing. Here's our first Sunday Summary of what we've been up to over the last seven days.Bye bye Christmas tree! We spent Tuesday taking down the tree, putting away the decorations including our souvenir ornaments, like this Corgi.

We've finally finished the wood floor, in the end it was far more time consuming than originally anticipated but we're happy with the results... one bedroom down, one to go. Although we're taking a break and painting the sitting room at the moment.Finally a place to hang our coats, dog lead and Christmas pudding hat. After months of hanging coats on the back of chairs enough was enough and a coat rack was constructed and put up by the back door.

A & L x

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